Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wednesday’s Helping: Bean Sprouts

Groovy, tasty young veggie product

Their crisp but soft texture and slightly sweet flavor makes bean sprouts popular in many dishes. They are the edible stems of germinated beans. Mung bean sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, and soy bean sprouts tend to be the most popular and widely available varieties. Bean sprouts—especially Mung bean--originated in Asia and eventually spread to other regions. Some people also make their own bean sprouts at home. Many other seeds, such as quinoa, garbanzos, sunflower seeds, and lentils, can be sprouted for different culinary uses. Look for fresh bean sprouts in the produce section of many supermarkets. Select bean sprouts that are robust and crisp. Avoid water damaged and limp bean sprouts. Consume bean sprouts within 2-3 days of purchase since they have a very short shelf-life. Bean sprouts are a good source of Vitamin A.

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