Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tuesday's Cupful: Walnuts

A crunchy handful of Omega - 3
Walnuts have a strong earthy flavor in comparison to other nuts, such as pine nuts. Initially, they have a buttery flavor, which becomes nuttier. Walnut trees (of the Juglandaceae family) are deciduous and the English walnut is the most commonly consumed edible variety. Black walnuts are more expensive and considered higher in quality than the rest. Walnuts must mature and are harvested in December; however, they’re available for purchase all year long. The round nuts have a dense outer shell that encases the edible kernel, which is cream-colored and has lobes. Store shelled nuts in the refrigerator and avoid withered nuts since shriveling is a sign of age. Walnuts are good sources of Omega-3 or monounsaturated fats that are good for a healthy heart. These fats are essential for the production of good cholesterol and lowering levels of bad cholesterol.

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