Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tuesday’s Cupful: Old Bay Seasoning

Pour on this seafood stunner

This spice mix is a Chesapeake Bay institution. What’s in it? It’s a secret combination of 12 different herbs and spices. Gustav Brunn invented the recipe more than 70 years ago and named it after the Chesapeake Bay. The McCormick and Company acquired Old Bay in the 1990s. The Old Bay brand has gradually become popular along the eastern seaboard. Expect salty, sharp, spicy, and slightly hot flavors from this brownish-red spice blend. The Mixed Stew crew likes making a dipping sauce for blue crabs by adding (½ tablespoon) Old Bay to (½ cup) vinegar (and some drops of Tabasco). Old Bay’s strong and spicy seasonings tend to enhance the sweet ocean flavors of seafood.


  1. old bay is something I've never cooked with.
    Heck I don't know that I've even tasted it! Its not a staple in most CO kitchens. I'm gonna have to get a box & try this magic elixer :)

  2. old bay is like oxygen, you can't live without it!
