Here’s our recipe for chicken stew. It just might beat out our beef recipe in a taste test. It’s also easier on wallets. That’s definitely a plus nowadays. Enjoy!
What you will need:
1 large stock pot with lid
1 long wooden spoon
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
2 garlic cloves chopped fine
1 large yellow onion chopped fine
1 tablespoon chopped cilantro
1 can stewed tomatoes
½ cup chopped eggplant
1 cup carrots, cut into 1/2-inch chunks
1 cup potatoes, cut into 1/2-inch chunks
6 chicken thighs (may be cut into large chunks)
5 cups water
1 tablespoon flour
Pinch of salt and pepper

Cooking and directions
Start pot off on medium high heat with vegetable oil. Add chopped garlic and onion. Sauté them in heated oil until they are almost translucent. Place chicken thighs in pot and let them sit for a few minutes until browning occurs. Turn over once. Add water and canned tomatoes. Sprinkle in salt and pepper to taste. Bring pot to a rapid boil and reduce heat to medium or medium low. Cover pot. Let the chicken braise for at least 45 minutes. Stir the pot occasionally. Next, add cilantro, eggplant, carrots, and potato cubes. Leave on low heat for another 30 minutes so that veggies can cook. When the vegetables are tender, stir in flour to thicken the sauce. Serve it up hot and yummy.
Helpful hint: Feel free to vary the veggies. Prefer white button mushrooms? Try those (whole or halved) instead of eggplant. Do you like a little kick? Try adding a dash of Tabasco to the pot! Nelly reminds, nothing ventured, nothing gained!
i like the addition of eggplant. i'll have to try it.